TI-84 StudyCard app

By Tech Powered Dad | November 29, 2010

Just wanted to write a quick post about the StudyCard app for the TI-83 plus and TI-84 plus. Got some inquiries about ACT and SAT StudyCards after I wrote The Top 6 TI-84 Plus Apps, and I wanted to talk a little bit more about the app.

TI-84 StudyCard App

There are so many possibilities with the StudyCard app it could make your head spin. To review, the app basically turns your TI-84 into a virtual flash card computer. The Texas Instruments website has a huge number of studycard stacks that cover every subject, not just math. You’ll find every kind of math stack you could think of too. They include topics as varied as multiplication facts, graphs of common functions, to calculus definitions and trig identities.

And yes, there are test prep stacks of cards. If you have a TI-84+ Silver edition, it should have come loaded with SAT and ACT test prep questions. Additionally, on the TI site, you’ll find common SAT vocabulary words,and even the New York Math A test prep questions.

The other thing that’s really nice is that Texas Instruments gives away free StudyCard software on their site that allows you to create your own StudyCard stacks. I’ve done it myself for a set of trig cards that I distributed to my students. You can even import you own graphics, allowing me to put in one image with the school mascot, albeit in really low res.

If you’ve created your own set of StudyCards, please tell everyone about it in the comments.

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